The Benevolence of Truth

Instantiate the bounty of the shores of the seven seas
Disolve unto the dust what must not see
To find through termoil what has yet been revealed
And delve further into the dust
Beware the lurk of many stars
To grieve the years untold
Through toil and truth we find once more
What long has been revoked
And once we return once more
To a land of our own knowing
Then truly we shall be
The architechts of time
The assailants of rumor
The students of nature
And the true form of all we seek to discover
Comes free of the shell to which it is lodged
And we must all cry in fear, and in jubilation
For the day we have yearned for, cared for
Groomed from an infantesamile infant
Into a great being of thought and spirit
Has finnaly come forth
Bringing with it a new age, a new memory
A new paradigm to which we must all adhere
And leaving behind it, scattered thoughts
Scattered recollections, of a world
We once knew, once loved
But this is over, for from dust we have manifested
The greatness of our existance, and by which
We strive, ever forward, ever yonder
To find our true passion, our true marvel
And the days of dust pass, like a drip of time
Into the place behind the windows of stone
Into a land where the clocks do not tick
And the rivers do not run
And here we are, now
Bereft of this despicable fate
Where we may benefit
From the truth
From the creation
Of which we, through connection with the beyond
Have ushered in

Skylar Guillaume

Poem Analysis

the story is abstract, but it seems to be an “end of the world as we know it” kind of thing

reality seems to be falling apart, or starting anew

and these people “Groomed from an infantesamile infant” are going to explore it “And delve further into the dust//Beware the lurk of many stars//To grieve the years untold”

and it seems like this changing killed a lot of people

“And we must all cry in fear, and in jubilation”

and we can tell it’s a massive change because “Into the place behind the windows of stone//Into a land where the clocks do not tick//And the rivers do not run”

this may be completely wrong, but that’s the vibe I get

it also seems like this day was fated “Has finnaly come forth” “For the day we have yearned for, cared for”