(set: $name to (prompt: "Enter your name:", ""))
''Guard:''Welcome to the Magics Academy, $name! We haven't had any new students in a long time. I just get to stand here until the grant funding it runs out. Over the years there were less and less students who came, until about a year ago, none. It seems like there is less and less magic in the land.
There aren't any teachers anymore, either. But there are loads of old books, and you can study as many of them as you like!
Feel free to check out the town and the surrounding areas! I've always wondered about the old ruins, and I heard someone is trying to hire a wizard in Portton.
Enter [[Academy]]
(set:$gold to 0)
(set: $scroll to "you don't have one")
(set: $scrollboost to 0)
(set:$power to 3)
(set:$maxpower to 3)
(set:$beentognomes to "no")
(set: $ruinskey to "no")
(set: $cornhusk to "no")
(set: $underwaterbreathing to "no")
(set: $elfconvorsation to "no")
(set: $merweed to "no")
(set: $hydra to "no")
(set: $shard to "no")
(set: $ghoulgrove to "no")
(set: $mabbitmanor to "no")
(set: $farclifffalls to "no")
(set: $powercommited to 0)
(set: $tradedmerweed to "no")Welcome to the market, where you can buy lots of stuff!
You have $gold gold.
To [[City]]
[[Scroll Shop]]
[[Potions Shop]](alert: "If you buy a schroll it will replace your old scroll.")
//The Scroll Shop is run by an elderly.// We don't have many scroll buyers these days. But they are very usefull in boosting a wizards's power. I don't have many valuable ones, but I heard the cloud elves do.
Please choose which scroll you would like to buy.
Scrolls automatically add onto what power you already commit.
Back to [[Market]]
[[Maple Scroll]] 10 gold, +1 power always
[[Stone Scroll]] 20 gold, +2 power always
[[Air Scroll]] 50 gold, +3 power always(if: $gold < 20)[You don't have enough money]
(if: $gold > 19 )[(Set:$scroll to "Stone")(set: $scrollboost to 2)(Set:$gold to ($gold - 20)) You now have a stone scroll!!!]
[[Market]](set: $commitedpower to (num:(prompt: "How much power are you commiting:", "" )))
(if:$commitedpower > $power)[CHEATER CHEATER LEMON EATER! (set: $commitedpower to 0)(set:$power to 0)]
(set: $power to ($power - $commitedpower))
(if: $commitedpower+$scrollboost > $enemypower)[
YOU WON!!! $returnto
You lose! You are knocked out. You wake up later at the [[Academy]].
(set: $powercommited to ($powercommited + $commitedpower))//Ever since you were little, you dreamed of becoming a wizard and exploring the world. You eventually scratch together enough money for passage to the fabled Magics Academy.//
You are knocked out. You wake up later at the [[Academy]].WRONG!
You are knocked out. You wake up later at the [[Academy]].You drink from the third bottle. You immediately begin to feel very weak, and you collapse to the floor.
It's as if the floor isn't there. First your hands, then legs, then the rest of you is engulfed in stone. You fall through the stone for what feels like hours. Eventually you come free and drop with a plop onto the ground.
You are in an immense cavern. Trees with all colors of leaves grow from the floor. Magical lanterns hanging from their branches light the cavern
From the middle of the cavern you hear chanting.
''Albertis, Great God Albertis, Bringer of Light, God Of Magic, We Honor you Today on your 234th Death Day. Ever Since you Left our Home, we Want for your Knowledge and Guidance. Every Day we Grieve at your Passing, and we Hope that we have Fulfilled your Highest Ideals in the Construction of the Most Epic, Most Perfect of Monuments, that your Perfectness Could have Completed in Infinitely Less Time, the Second Spellglass Mobile! BRING FORTH THE MAGES!''
You sneak closer through the trees, and see in a clearing a circle of people dressed in unfamiliar clothes. In the middle, hanging from the ceiling, is the most beautiful piece of art you have ever seen. It looks like what the pile of glass debris in the library would have looked like if it were still up.
''Mages who have Completed Spellglass for the Mobile, Please come Forth in a Line!''
An assortment of people leave the circle, in each of their hands is a tiny shard of glass.
Each takes a turn, climbing a ladder and carefully adding their contribution to the mobile. After each does, a loud cheer goes up from the crowd.
You are standing in an uncomfortable position and you shift slightly.
Suddenly, everyone in the circle freezes and looks in your direction.
You have no choice but to obey. You walk out of the trees and into the clearing.
[[I have been finding out about the history of Albertis and the destruction of the old town, I have the truth and I can tell it to you! I know Albertis was evil but it doesn't mean that you are too.]]
I will never surrender myself to the followers of the evil Albertis! You all must die! [[Fight]]
(set: $enemypower to 9)
(set:$returnto to [[Defeated Followers]])
//Welcome back to the Academy!//
[[Magic Regeneration]]
[[My Stuff]]
Books: //(A good student studies them)//
[[Wizard's Magic and General Advice]]
[[Geography of Land Valley]]
[[Monsters of Liyoland]]
Head to [[City]]
''Clock:'' (current-time: )
''Gold:'' $gold
''Scroll:'' $scroll
''Scroll Boost:'' $scrollboost
''Power:'' $power
''Max Power:'' $maxpower
(if: $underwaterbreathing is "yes")[An underwater breathing potion]
Back to [[Academy]]Land Valley is a large valley in the temperate region of Liyoland. It's biggest city is Land Valley City, housing the famous Academy. Over the hill from it is an older town, now in ruins.
Further south is the Witchstaff Wood, a mostly uncharted forest. This is a risky place to enter, it is reported to house many malevolent creatures such as ghouls.
East is the port town of Portton. From there the river can take you out to sea.
If you head up the valley side to the north, you will get to the High Moors. From there you should be able to reach the Cloud Elve's kingdom, but none of my correspondents have been able to do it.
Back to [[Academy]]//The city is actually a large town. There are many buildings in this town and you can buy many things here.//
To the [[Academy]]
To the [[Market]]
To the [[Crossroads]]
To the [[Ruins]]
//In the middle of town is a large momument.//
''Great Explorers of Liyoland:
Mc Prongles
Chungus''//The crossroads is where many roads meet. From here you can travel all over!//
[[Witchstaff Wood]]
Town of [[Portton]]
To the [[High Moors]](Alert:"If you enter deeper into the forest threre may not be a simple way out.")
//The trees are dark and the sun does not shine very brightly here. This is your last chance to leave.//
Back to [[Crossroads]]
You may choose to enter deeper into the forest:
{(live: 0.1s)[
(either: [[Goul Grove]], [[Farcliff Falls]], [[Mabbit Manor]])
Once you travel somewhere, you know the way to get there.
(if: $ghoulgrove is "yes")[ [[Goul Grove]]]
(if: $mabbitmanor is "yes")[ [[Mabbit Manor]] ]
(if: $farclifffalls is "yes")[ [[Farcliff Falls]] ](if:$ghoulgrove is "yes")[You remember this as the grove you fought the ghouls. Back to [[Witchstaff Wood]]]
(if: $ghoulgrove is "no")[//You enter a grove. Peering into the trees, you notice a host of ghouls surrounding you. The only choice is to [[Fight]]!//
(set: $enemypower to (either:2,2,3))
(set:$returnto to [[Ghoul Beaten]])
(set: $ghoulgrove to "yes")]
//After one ghoul is defeated, the others immediately flee off through the trees. You find they have left some gold in their haste!//
(set: $gold to ($gold + 5))
You have found 5 gold. Your new total is $gold!
You look and see the exit of [[Witchstaff Wood]] off in the distance!
Whoever has the highest power level wins.
You can commit up to $power power.
Your scroll gives you an extra $scrollboost power.
[[fight]]Liyoland is populated by diverse monsters. These creatures all use magic, and have varying spellcasting abilities.
The term Monster implies a blood thirsty brute, but not all monsters wish you harm. They all have certain preferences and things that tick them off and you must respect their differences.
Below I list several species I have discovered in my travels, and the best ways to deal with them.
''Ghoul:'' These are the creatures of darkness, lurking in caves and dark forests. They are part undead, so they enjoy consuming the flesh of other creatures. However they are not terribly determined, so if you manage to defeat at least one of them, they will most likely flee.
Many ghouls will commit 2 power, but an especially strong ghoul may commit 3.
''Golem:'' A golem is a creature animated by a wizard. They take on some of the personality of their creator, and unless given orders immediately, will wander at will with no sense of good or bad.
Stone golems are the strongest, able to commit around 10 power.
There are also wood golems, who do around 7.
And there are corn husk golems, who do around 4.
''Wyvern:'' These snakelike creatures fly high above the ground, and prey primarily on griffins with their sharp teeth and claws.
Wyverns never need to land, due to their enormous wings. They have a power level of around 5.
''Hydra:'' These are the top predators of the ocean depths. They have three heads who work independently from one another, able to deliver a fierce attack. When encountered it is advisable to run, because a wizard is not in their element on the bottom of the sea.
They have a power level of around 6.
Back to [[Academy]]When a wizard uses up power for different purposes, there are several ways to regain it. You cannot have more power than your max power, and your max power can be improved by experience. Every 20 power you commit, your max power goes up by 1. It only checks here, so if you are in a lot of battles it might make sense to come back here.
You may acquire potions. You may use the [[Academy's Net]] to sift out power from the air. It is also rumored that certain kinds of magical creatures have the ability to bestow power to others.
Back to [[Academy]]
(if: $powercommited > 19)[You gained a max power from experience! (set: $powercommited to 0)(set: $maxpower to ($maxpower + 1))]Use the net to collect power!
{(live: 0.7s)[
(either: [[Get Power]], [[Net Unready]], [[Get Power]])
Back to [[Academy]](if: $gold < 10)[You don't have enough money]
(if: $gold > 9 )[(Set:$scroll to "Maple")(set: $scrollboost to 1)(Set:$gold to ($gold - 10)) You now have a maple scroll!!!]
[[Market]]//You journey through the forest. You hear a deep roaring sound off in the distance. As you near, you realize it is the sound of a feirce waterfall.
All of a sudden, you hear several thumps. You are surrounded by several gnomes, leveling stalves at you!//
The leader of the gnomes approaches you. What are you doing in our forest?
[[I am a wizard who is lost. I mean you no harm!]]
[[Get your bows away from me, you filthy little creatures!]]
(set: $farclifffalls to "yes")Alright then! We havn't had a wizard in this forest for years!
As a matter of fact, we have a task you might want to do.
You hear that waterfall? It's very feirce. Years ago, we stored a collection of treasure on an island in the middle of the river. There must have been a dam broken up stream or somthing, because the river swept the bridge away, and we can't get a decent rope across to build a new one!
If you can use your power to jump across with the rope, we'll give you a cut of the treasure. We estimate that it will be about 4 power, but we're not exactly sure.
If you don't think your up for it, I'll show you the way out of [[Witchstaff Wood]].
(if: $beentognomes is "no")[
Or, you can help us out and [[Fight]] the water!]
(set: $enemypower to (either:3,4,5))
(set:$returnto to [[Beat the River]])Don't insult us, blundering oaf! We shall make you wish you never came to this forest! You want [[Fight]], and you shall have it!
(set:$returnto to "[[Gnomes Beaten]]
(set: $enemypower to (either:15, 16, 17))Magic can be used for many diverse things, such as attacking enemies or repairing broken items.
Wizards use the Power system to calculate who would win in a duel, or if you are capable of doing a task. Each wizard has a certain number of power they can hold, which can be improved. You can use up to how much power you have to do magic.
The land is a very large place, and even a wizard can become easily lost and cannot find their way back to a place they have been before.
A recommended strategy is making a map, and writing down which route you have used.
You may also like to write down deals with folk, locks to which you have no key, and other things that you might want to come back later to.
In your exploration, if you become stuck, a good strategy is to see if you have overlooked anything.
[[Academy]]You manage to jump across!
The gnomes quickly get up a small rope brige. They give you your cut of the treasure, wich is 7 gold, and a magic autum olive wich improves your max power by 1!
(set: $gold to ($gold + 7)) (set: $maxpower to ($maxpower + 1))
(set:$beentognomes to 1)
They then show you the way out of [[Witchstaff Wood]]OOOps try again!
[[Academy's Net]](set: $power to ($power + 1))
(if: $power > $maxpower)[(set: $power to $maxpower)]
You found some power!
Your new balance is $power.
[[Academy's Net]]//You leave the town and head down an old road over the hill to the ruined town. A local kid comes up to you.//
Hey, I'll show you around for 1 gold! The walls are still up so you won't get in without my shortcut!
No thanks, head back to [[City]](if: $gold is > 0)[(set: $gold to ($gold - 1)) Great! The walls are over 30 feet high, but I found a spot where there is a fallen pine you can climb to get over. Lets go!
[[Climb the walls]]]
(if: $gold is < 1)[You don't have enough money.]
Back to [[City]]//It takes some effort, but eventually you are both on top of the walls. From the outside, you wonder why anyone would abandon this well-built town. Once you see what's inside the walls, you get why. This place had been torched, with some kind of magical fire that twisted even stone. There were no buildings still standing, except an ornate domed building in the center of the town.//
This is the old town, the City where your from is the replacement.
You see the still standing building in the middle? That's the library. It has some sort of magical protection on it, I can't even smash the windows with stones.
[[What happened to this place?]]
[[Investigate the library]]This place got attacked a while back. No-one knows the full story, not many people pay attention to it.
It used to be a mostly wizard town, with the library at it's center. The new town was built after by the survivors, and the academy in it seems to be some sort of imitation of the old academy, but much lesser.
Whoever attacked left the walls up to discourage investigation. Speaking of investigation, apparently there was someone called Caldis who tried to puzzle it out, but the story goes they died in Witchstaff Wood. It would have been nice to know their secrets!
//Your guide points to some of the scortched rock.//
This town was mostly stone, but somehow it got magically burned. Whoever destroyed it put an insane amount of effort to oblidorate it. Trying to destroy some sort of secret, most likely. But they somehow didn't have enough power to destroy the library.
It's getting dark, and I don't like to stay here at night. You can here footsteps on the stone, pacing around the library.
Thanks for going on my tour! Lets go back to the [[City]].//You go to the library. You peer in through the windows, but it is so dark in there all you can make out are a few shapes that might be bookshelves. You go around the library, and all you find are a few statues of hooded warriors with giant swords.
You walk up the steps to the giant door. It's locked securely. Above the door writen in stately letters is ''Archmage Albertis's Library, Entry by Oppointment Only or RIP YOU''. You wonder who would have that last part carved in stone!//
(if: $ruinskey is "no")[You don't have the key. You wonder where you could get it...
Your guide points to the way back, and talks to you. It's getting dark, and I don't like to stay here at night. You can here footsteps on the stone, pacing around the library. Let's go back to the [[City]]]
(if:$ruinskey is "yes")[You pull the strange key from the cloud elves out of your pocket, and stick it in the lock. After a lot of jiggling, the door swings open a crack.
Your guide shies away. They have no intention of entering!
Enter the [[Library]]
Head back to the [[City]]]//The library is not large. It's stone floor echoes when your feet hit it.
There is no dust in this building. It's as if everything is frozen in time. The floor is decorated with intricate geometric patterns of precious stones.
Off to one side of the room, there are large bookshelves that go up almost to the roof!
In the other side of the room is a big imposing door that says ''Archmage Albertis's Office''.
There is also a giant pile of glass debris in one corner. It looks like some sort of delicate item that was broken.//
Investigate the [[Office]]
Check out the giant pile of [[glass debris]]
Head back to the [[City]]//You walk through the trees for a long while on a small path. The trees get bigger and bigger and older and older as you go along. Eventually you get to a large clearing, however the trees surrounding it are so big they stop most of the sunlight getting in.
In the middle of the clearing is a decent sized manor, with peeling paint and rotting boards.//
You walk up to the door, careful not to step on the heavily rotting boards.
[[Knock on the Door]]
(set: $mabbitmanor to "yes")//You knock on the door. You wait a little while and then hear soft thumping coming towards you. A tiny window opens in the door, and you see a tiny rabbit face with red eyes staring back at you.//
You have reached Mabbit Manor. I am Finnigan, head of the Mabbits. What do ya want or go away!
I am just exploring in the woods and I stumbled across this place, can I [[Come in]]?
Uhhhhhhh... I'll just [[Go Away]], this place creeps me out.//Finnigan opens the door and you enter.//
Alright! You can check stuff out in here but before you do I want to tell you a little bit about us Mabbits and about Mabbit Manor.
A long time ago, we lived in a town up by the crossroads. It was a big magic town and had 30 foot walls!
There was an Archmage running the town, and for some reason he decided to torch the town with magic fire that could even burn stone!
We were all hutch rabbits back then, but he saved us from the fire to try a curse on us. It turned us into Were Rabbits. Sunlight poisons us.
The curse also has a side effect of giving us human intelligence and speach.
We were let into the woods, and eventually found this manor and took it over. It used to be completely haunted, and now it is only partially haunted; we never go higher than the first floor.
There used to be some human wizards here. If you want to check out the second floor, you can keep any stuff you find, we think it's only fair since your a wizard so we couldn't do anything with the wizard stuff.
Go to the [[Second Floor]]
I would rather [[Go Away]]You stumble through the forest until you get to farmfeilds. You follow the road to a town, and a sign says Welcome to [[Portton]].You climb the dusty stairs to the second floor.
It is abandoned, but the items here make you pause.
There are lamps you know only work with magic, a chest of drawers filled with scrying stones, and packs of magical cards. This must have been the retreat of a very wealthy wizard.
On once side, you see a staircase leading to the [[Attic]]
There is also a [[small door]] that says ''Do not open!''
There is also a [[Big Door]] that leads to a room labled ''Storage''
[[Back to the first floor]]//You climb the stairs to the attic. It is small, only one room, and there are small windows overlooking the forest.
The room looks like somebody's base!
There are cans of food stacked neatly along the walls. There is a small collection of weapons in a large box: Knives, shortswords, and bows.
There is ink and quills on one desk, scattered with papers. One is titled// [[Explorer's Findings]].
//On the floor there is a charred and mangled skeleton, which you avert your eyes from.//
Back to [[Second Floor]](if: $cornhusk is "no")[ //You try the doorknob. It is unlocked!
You enter a small room.
On one side of the room is a box that glows slightly. In the other corner, you see a large paddlocked cage. Inside is a pile of corn husks.
As you watch in horror, the corn husks assemble themselves into a scarecrow!//
The scarecrow speaks. I hates humans, I do! They creates me and locks me all by myself in this little room for hundreds of years. They must ''die. Die! Die! Die!''
Enraged, the scarecrow lunges at the cage wall, shattering it. It lunges at you!
The only choice is to [[Fight]]!
(set: $enemypower to (either:2,3,4))
(set:$returnto to [[Cornhusk Beaten]])]
(if: $cornhusk is "yes")[You remember this room as the one where you fought the cornhusk.
Back to [[Second Floor]]]//The door slamms shut behind you. The inside is taken up with one giant box.//
A sign on the box says: ''Your not supposed to be here, because I made this room as a trick for intruders looking for stuff. Let's have a little fun! You must open the box to leave! However, I hid a lot of random stuff in there.''
You try the door, you cannot open it.
[[Open the Box]]//The cornhusks lie smashed at your feet. You go over to the glowing box and open it. Inside is a glowing, pulsing, persimin that improves your max power by 1!//
(set: $maxpower to ($maxpower +1))
Back to [[Second Floor]]
(set: $cornhusk to "yes")(either: (set: $gold to ($gold + 3)) "You look in the box and see 3 gold! The door opens. Back to [[Second Floor]]", (set: $enemypower to 10000) "In the box is a strange slimy hand that reaches for your face! The only choice is to [[Fight]]!", "In the box is nothing! The door opens. Back to [[Second Floor]]")
Back to [[Second Floor]]//You read the paper.//
I have long been looking into what caused the destruction of the old town. I was just little then, then one day fire that could melt stone sprung up. I barely escaped by jumping over the wall, breaking my leg in the process.
The survivors have established a new village on the other side of the hill, with the same focus on magic, and an Academy of magics. However, we cannot begin to be at the same level of the old one, without Archmage Albertis.
I wonder where he is now. We assume he could have survived the magical fire, being that his library was the only standing building. But none of us can find him.
I have dedicated my life to trying to find the source of the fire, based in this old abandoned house where no one will bother me.
I haven't found out much about the fire, but a decent amount about Albertis, rumors though they may be.
Some say he had a ship that sailed down the river, and sunk far away. Others report a giant city built into an island mountain.
I haven't been able to verify any of these claims. The first step would be to get into that stupid library. It's shut and protected by some sort of spell.
I would imagine Albertis would have a key. His chief scribe was a cloud elf, and I would imagine she would have a key as well, but the cloud elves are stingy people, and I don't think they would like strangers prying into their secrets.
That's it for now. I hear a loud knocking at the door. I wonder who it is?
- //Caldis//
Back to [[Second Floor]]
You head back to the first floor.
Finnigan directs you to the way out of [[Witchstaff Wood]]//Portton is a bustling port town on the bank of the River Meander. Land Valley where you live is not a terribly populated place, but Portton is the key to the outside world.//
You look at the bulliten board outside the harbourmaster's office.
[[Wizard for hire: Odd jobs! Good pay and good hours!]] - //Harbourmaster//
Ferry [[Downriver]]! Cheapest option!
Back to [[Crossroads]]You travel up the side of Land Valley until you get to the High Moors. The wind is very feirce up here, and you are threatened to be blown off you feet.
Go back to [[Crossroads]]
You stuggle forwards on the half-gone road. It gets in worse and worse condition the farther you go.
In the distance you see a giant birch tree, as big around as a castle tower, reaching 20 stories into a mass of cloud.
In the bottom is an ornate door.
Perched on the first branch is an elf with a longbow.
(if: $elfconvorsation is "yes")[Oh, $name, I recognize you. Go on [[up]].]
(if: $elfconvorsation is "no")[What makes you think you can go to the sacred kingdom of the highest Cloud Elves? It's for cloud elves only.
[[You should be nicer to visitors or you won't make any friends!]]
[[I'm sorry, I don't know your customs. I just heard tales about how great you were!]]]//You go to the harbourmaster.//
Hello $name, I have some odd jobs I need a wizard for. If you do them, you'll get payed, so your in charge of when you work. You can stop by and check anytime.
(either: "There have been some instances of the local pirate gang the Swaggy Rats robbing riverboats. If you are out on patrol and catch a pirate you get a reward of 5 gold! [[Go on Patrol]]", "I have some papers for you to organize! [[Organize Papers]]")
No thank you, back to [[Portton]]//You talk to the barge capitain.//
For 4 gold, I'll take you down the river!
There isn't much out there unless you go far out to sea. However, there is a shipwreck the locals say is haunted; when the water is clear you can look down and see it. There's also a large island mountain, a nice place for a picnic.
However, there are recent sightings of the pirate gang the Swaggy Rats, so we'll have to take our chances.
[[I'll take the barge!]]
No thanks, back to [[Portton]]You paddle out into the river and wait.
(either: "No Swaggy Rats sighted. Back to [[Portton]]", "As you watch, a small carvel sailing boat slips out of the reeds It's the [[Pirates]]!")You tie up the pirates and bring them to the constable in Portton.
You get a reward of 5 gold!
(set: $gold to ($gold + 5))
Back to [[Portton]]Click on the o to get the right paper from the pile!
{(live: 0.1s)[
(either: "p", "z", "[[o]]", "v", "t", "a", "l")
Back to [[Portton]]Good job! You get a gold for organizing a paper!
(set: $gold to ($gold + 1))
Back to [[Portton]]//The pirates climb aboard your small boat.//
Give us yer gold or else!
(set: $enemypower to (either:1,2,2))
(set:$returnto to [[Pirates Beaten]])Potions! Potions! Buy your potions!
Back to [[Market]]
[[Power Regeneration]] Potion- Regenerates all your power - 2 gold
[[Underwater Breathing]] Potion- Allows you to breath under water. Could be useful for fishing, investigating wrecks, treasure seeking, etc. - 5 gold(if: $gold < 2)[You don't have enough money]
(if: $gold > 1 )[(Set:$power to $maxpower)(Set:$gold to ($gold - 2)) You are now at max power!!!]
[[Market]](if: $gold < 5)[You don't have enough money]
(if: $gold > 4 )[(Set:$underwaterbreathing to "yes")(Set:$gold to ($gold - 5)) You now can breath under water!!!]
[[Market]](if: $gold < 4)[You don't have enough money, back to [[Portton]]]
(if: $gold > 3 )[(Set:$gold to ($gold - 4)) Alright, let's go!
(either: "You reach the [[end of the river]] safely!", "You spot a small sailing ship heading streight for you! It's [[The Pirates]]!")]//You reach the end of the river. There is a large bay and after that open ocean. In the middle of the bay is a large island mountain. Deep in the bottom of the bay, you can see a large dark shape.//
The barge will bring you to where you want to go.
Check out the [[Shipwreck]]
Go to the [[island]]
Head upriver to [[Portton]]//The pirates climb aboard the barge.//
Give us 10 gold or else!
[[Give 10 gold]]
(set: $enemypower to (either:1,2,2))
(set:$returnto to [[The Pirates Beaten]])(if: $gold < 10)[(set: $gold to 0)]
(if: $gold > 9 )[(Set:$gold to ($gold - 10))]
The pirates take your gold and sail away.
You reach the [[end of the river]] safely after that.
You beat the pirates! You leave them tied up where another boat will find them. The barge capitain gives you your fair back for fighting them.
(set: $gold to ($gold + 4))
You reach the [[end of the river]] safely after that.(if: $gold < 50)[You don't have enough money]
(if: $gold > 49 )[(Set:$scroll to "Air")(set: $scrollboost to 3)(Set:$gold to ($gold - 50)) You now have an air scroll!!!]
[[Market]]//Behind the ornate door is an elevator on the inside of the birch. It send you rapidly to the top of the tree.
The cloud elf kingdom is relativitely small, more of a village then a kingdom. Metal and stone walkways span the space between wooden buildings, seemingly held up by nothing. Tirquoise vines hang everywhere.//
On one side of town is the [[Griffin Stables]]
In the middle of town is the [[Scroll Factory]]
There is also a building called [[Collector's]]
And the tallest building in town, the [[Archivist's]]
Back down to the [[Crossroads]]How rude! Well I think your a load of griffin dung!
Run away to the [[Crossroads]] or [[Fight]]!
(set: $enemypower to 10000)Well in that case, it seems like you are trying to find somthing out. Flattery doesn't work on me.
[[I wanted to know about a key that a cloud elf scribe had.]]
[[I'm just interested, I'm not looking for anything in particular.]]Well whoever that is, the key is their buissness and none of yours!
Run away to the [[Crossroads]] or [[Fight]]!
(set: $enemypower to 10000)Well then I have no problem with you going up. However, this is a favor on my part, so you will have to do somthing for me in return.
There is a rouge wyvern which has been troubling us and we wouldn't want to risk any of our warriors on such an unworthy foe.
[[Fight]] the Wyvern
On second thoughts, back to [[Crossroads]]
(set: $enemypower to (either:4,5,5))
(set:$returnto to [[Wyvern Beaten]])//The wyvern flies away, bruised and battered.//
You did decently. Since your a real wizard, not a fake, you might like a visit to the scroll factory in our kingdom. Since we have few visitors, you can get powerful scrolls for cheap.
Feel free to come to our kingdom any time.
(set: $elfconvorsation to "yes")
Go [[up]]//The griffin rider talks to you.//
We use griffins to patrol the skies, herding our windlings and scaring off malevonent creatures.
If you pay me five gold, I'll take you to certain places that would take a long time to get to otherwise.
Back to the main [[up]] area
[[Alright, I'll take a griffin]](alert: "If you buy a scroll it will replace your old one")
//The scroll factory is run by some cheeky elves.//
Welcome to our factory! We run this mostly for fun, that and few visitors makes prices low. Very low! Please take advantage!
You have $gold gold.
Back to main [[up]] area
[[Scroll of Air]] 20 gold, +3 power always
[[Scroll of Claw]] 40 gold, +4 power always
[[Scroll of Glass]] 70 gold, +5 power always//The collector's is a small dimly lit building.//
Hello, explorer! I'm the collector. I trade cool stuff for cool stuff. If you bring me some Merweed from the sea, I'll give you some cool junk that I found! It's a magic toothpick, as well as a strange key I bought at an old scribe's funeral.
(if: $merweed is "no")[You don't have any merweed that I want.]
(if: $tradedmerweed is "no")[
(if: $merweed is "yes")[Alright, let's [[Trade]]!]]
(if: $tradedmerweed is "yes")[We already traded merweed.]
Back to main [[up]] area(if: $gold < 5)[You don't have enough money, back to main [[up]] area]
(if: $gold > 4 )[(Set:$gold to ($gold - 5)) Ok, where would you like to go? [[Mabbit Manor]]
[[end of the river]]
[[Ruins]]](if: $gold < 20)[You don't have enough money]
(if: $gold > 19 )[(Set:$scroll to "Air")(set: $scrollboost to 3)(Set:$gold to ($gold - 20)) You now have an air scroll!!!]
[[Scroll Factory]](set: $merweed to "no")
You recieve the magical toothpick, which improves your max power by two!
You also get the strange key.
(set: $ruinskey to "yes")
(set: $maxpower to ($maxpower + 2))
(set: $tradedmerweed to "yes")
Back to main [[up]] area//The barge takes you above the shipwreck. It looks very large, but you can't make out too many details.//
The barge capitain tells you about the shipwreck.
A long time ago, maybe hundreds of years, this boat came down the river. Suddenly, it sunk, just like that! And that's how the story goes, not much to it.
We all wonder what could have sunk it. It didn't seem to get attacked, it didn't send out a distress signal, nothing. We all wonder what was the story behind this ship?
(if: $underwaterbreathing is "no")[You wish you could dive down and check it out, but you can't breath under water.]
(if: $underwaterbreathing is "yes")[You remember the underwater breathing potion that you bought at the market! You could use it and [[dive down]]!]
Back to the [[end of the river]]//The island is a lush place, with plants that you have not seen elsewhere. You walk around it, and find it is uninhabited. Eventually you come to a cliff face with what looks like a stone door carved into it.//
(if: $shard is "no")[You can't get the door open.]
(if: $shard is "yes")[You remember the shard that you got at the library. [[Try the Shard]]]
Back to the [[end of the river]]//You plunge down into the depths of the sea. Your ears pop with the preasure change.
Eventually you reach the deck of the ship. It appears in all regards like a large sailing vessel, except that is has no masts and you cannot see them anywhere around.//
Enter through the [[main hatch]]
Enter through the [[capitain's door]]
Back to above the [[Shipwreck]]//You open the creaky main hatch.
In the hold is a large collection of crates. There is also a door on the wall that has a sign on it that says ''Treasury''.//
Back to above the [[Shipwreck]]
Look in the [[Crates]]
Go to the [[Treasury]]The capitain's door is rusted shut! You could use your power to [[Fight]] the rust.
Or, you could go back to above the [[Shipwreck]]
(set: $enemypower to (either:1,2,3))
(set:$returnto to [[Capitain's Room]])//You blast the door open. Inside the capitain's room it is very dark.
There is not all that much stuff in it for a capitain's room. There is a cot on one corner, a chest of drawers on one side, and a small chest on the other.//
Look in the [[drawers]]
Check in the [[Chest]]
Back to above the [[Shipwreck]]//In the drawers is a book called Ship's Logbook. It seems to have waterproof pages You open it and read it.//
//Day 1//- I have cached this boat and had my servants dragging it down a ditch all night. Now that we have reached the river, we might sail unhindered to my new life out to sea. I had to take a quick detour to Witchstaff Wood to kill a sneaky little runt called Caldis, but then we were on our way.
I slightly regret how much I left in the old Library in my old town, it might be possible for someone who entered to intrude on my new life. But no one will be able to enter without a key, and I destroyed mine yesterday.
This new town will be better. The old was much like a normal town, with people coming and going. This caused bad influences from savages outside like Cloud Elves and provoked them to attempt to glean some of my magical secrets, and in doing so destroyed my life's work, and thus I had to kill them and burn the town.
This new town will be much much better, a lush prison for all of the inhabitants, to provide me with food and resources for my magical research.
//Day 2//- It seems like we have trouble on our hands. The local militia has spotted the ship and are in pursuit because I neglected to purchase one of those silly boat permits. I am forced to sink this ship with several valuable resources on board, and escape to my new island in the submarine.
- //Albertis//
Back to [[Capitain's Room]]
In the chest you find a sample of the rare Merweed! You know that many collectors would pay a large sum for such a valuable specimin.
You put it in your pocket.
(set: $merweed to "yes")
Back to [[Capitain's Room]]//Inside the crates is a large collection of random stuff. You find sheepskins, mouldy and slimy from the ocean depths. There are kegs of beer, and seed packets of every imaginable variety.
There are tools; for farming, lumber, and building.
You guess that this ship was sent to set up a colony.//
Back to below the [[main hatch]](if: $hydra is "no")[//You enter the treasury. Most of the money is missing, but there are still a substancial amount sitting on the ground. You reach to pick up a rusty coin, when three heads poke out of the darkness in the far corner. A hydra!//
The only choice is to [[Fight]]
(set: $enemypower to (either:5,6,7))
(set:$returnto to [[Hydra Beaten]])
(if: $hydra is "yes")[You remember this as the room where you fought the hydra.
Back to below the [[main hatch]]]They hydra slunks away out to sea through a crack in the hull.
You manage to find 29 gold peices strewn on the floor!
(set: $hydra to "yes")
(set: $gold to ($gold + 29))
Back to below the [[main hatch]]//In the office is a large desk. On it is a paper titled ''Betrayal''
You read the paper://
Fools! Fools! All of them! They did it! They broke the most magical object in the whole universe, the Spellglass Mobile, the most perfect combination of every spell balanced perfectly in harmony with each other, the one perfect object in the universe, my life's work! Ruined!
It seems that early this morning some junior scribes snuck in here while I was still sleeping and removed one single spell from the mobile! I had told them not to!
They said look, look, it's fine! It's still balanced!
But they were wrong. After several minutes, the unbalance became apparent, and it slowly tipped, more and more, until it fell to the floor and broke with a sickening crash. I killed them then and there.
I might have been hard on them before, setting up this village so I could work on this massive project in peace. But they wanted more. They wanted a share of my magic. But they didn't deserve it, these idiots. They tried to steal it and look where they ended up, dead!
I was so angry I wanted to destroy all memory of this place. I summoned stone fire and burned it down to the ground.
I will soon depart to a new land, where bad influences will be flushed out and I will have all the power.
A thing that worries me is that someone might be able to enter using a shard of the Spellglass Mobile, embedded with my magical signature as it might be. But soon I will lock this library and destroy my key, and no one will be able to enter ever again.
- //Albertis//
Back to [[Library]]
//You go over to the glass pile of debris.
As you look closer, you notice it is made up of thousands of tiny shards of multicolored glass, strung together with some sort of miniature wire. You see a metal hook far up above on the ceiling. You realize it must have been some sort of mobile, but what caused it to fall you have no idea.
You notice a strong magical sense coming from it, but it seems off some how.//
[[Take a shard out of the debris]]
Back to the main area of the [[Library]]//You remove a tiny shard out of the debris and marvel at it's beauty. You pocket it.//
(set: $shard to "yes")
Back to [[Library]]//You touch the shard to the door. It slowly shudders, and then opens.
Behind it is a dark corridor that leads off into the gloom. As you head down it, the door shuts behind you. Immediately, magical lanters spring to life along the corridor.
It leads you to a small room.
In the room there are three bottles, each with a sentance writen on them.//
Bottle 1 says: Fools of ferocity are formally known as idiots.
Bottle 2 says: Ferocity is the best tool against Formidable Fools.
Bottle 3 says: Fools can be Ferocious.
A sign says:''Drink from the bottle that always tells the truth and you shall be admited to the New Settlement of Archmage Albertis. We don't want any idiots this is the reason for the test.''
Which bottle do you drink from?
[[Bottle 1]]
[[Bottle 2]]
[[Bottle 3]]You manage to defeat the mages. In your haste, you smash the mobile from the ceiling. It careens down onto you and impales you with a thousand tiny shards. You die.
If you really, really want to, you can use the turn back time spell to go back to when you were exploring the [[island]]//You tell Albertis's followers about all you have found, and show them the shard as proof.//
You realize that they must have been the decendents of the settlers for Albertis's new town, trapped in this cavern for hundreds of years.
Suddenly, there is a loud crunching sound coming from the outside wall. As you watch, a huge grey shape comes out of the tree. A stone golem!
''I Have Been Awakened! Albertis Built Me to Destroy Outsiders and Their Bad Influences. Those Who Talk of the Outside Must Die!''
The only choice is to [[Fight]]!
(set: $enemypower to (either:9,10))
(set:$returnto to [[Stone Golem Beaten]])If you would like to have your character's name put on a monument in the middle of the city, please fill out this form. You deserve it!
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeoyHULCIeV5BkLzsULsYun1GCB7DEkql_5c1T15tHPxNCuxA/viewform?embedded=true" width="640" height="423" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading…</iframe>
If that doesn't work use the link
l_5c1T15tHPxNCuxA/viewform?usp=sf_link)(if: $gold < 40)[You don't have enough money]
(if: $gold > 39 )[(Set:$scroll to "Claw")(set: $scrollboost to 4)(Set:$gold to ($gold - 40)) You now have a claw scroll!!!]
[[Scroll Factory]](if: $gold < 70)[You don't have enough money]
(if: $gold > 69 )[(Set:$scroll to "Glass")(set: $scrollboost to 5)(Set:$gold to ($gold - 70)) You now have a glass scroll!!!]
[[Scroll Factory]]//The stone golem lies crumpled at your feet.//
The golem was proof to the inhabitants of the cavern that they have actually been trapped here.
You offer them a chance to leave and go to the outside world, but all of their lives were spent down here so none take up your offer. However, they are eager to spread their knowlage of magic with the outside world, and you and the cavern inhabitants work to turn the mountain into a new magic academy.
The Spellglass Mobile is still added to, howevever it is now linked to a giant book so the knowlage is available to all who visit the cavern.
[[You Won]]!//A very old elf greets you at the door.//
Welcome to the Archives, $name!
We use a magical system to keep track of all the books and files of my people, passed down through the centuries. However, recently the sylable-based search engine has been acting, let's put it, strangely. Can you get in there and use your magic to recalibrate it? You get a gold every one you get right!
Back to main [[up]] area(set: $sylable to (either: 1, 2, 3))
Choose a word with $sylable sylable(s)
{(live: 0.7s)[
(either: "[[elf]]", "[[dragon]]", "[[Hexagon]]", "[[Albertis]]", "[[Griffin]]", "[[Cloud]]", "[[Bioluminecent]]")
]}(set: $number to 1)
(if: $sylable is $number)[(set: $gold to ($gold+1)) Correct! Back to [[Archivist's]]]
(if: $sylable is not $number)[Oops! Back to [[Archivist's]]](set: $number to 2)
(if: $sylable is $number)[(set: $gold to ($gold+1)) Correct! Back to [[Archivist's]]]
(if: $sylable is not $number)[Oops! Back to [[Archivist's]]](set: $number to 3)
(if: $sylable is $number)[(set: $gold to ($gold+1)) Correct! Back to [[Archivist's]]]
(if: $sylable is not $number)[Oops! Back to [[Archivist's]]](set: $number to 3)
(if: $sylable is $number)[(set: $gold to ($gold+1)) Correct! Back to [[Archivist's]]]
(if: $sylable is not $number)[Oops! Back to [[Archivist's]]](set: $number to 2)
(if: $sylable is $number)[(set: $gold to ($gold+1)) Correct! Back to [[Archivist's]]]
(if: $sylable is not $number)[Oops! Back to [[Archivist's]]](set: $number to 1)
(if: $sylable is $number)[(set: $gold to ($gold+1)) Correct! Back to [[Archivist's]]]
(if: $sylable is not $number)[Oops! Back to [[Archivist's]]]Oops! Back to [[Archivist's]]''Wizards of Liyoland''
Do not use the back arrow it will send you back in time! Please click on links instead to travel!
[[Start Game]]
1.2.1- Bug fixes, the archivist//The gnomes look up in suprise.//
How did you beat us? You must be really, really strong!
For this great feat, we will reward you with a magical easter egg!
/ z /
/ z#z /
/ z /
We hope you are sufficiently impressed!
Here, here is the way back to [[Witchstaff Wood]]